Sunday, March 23, 2008

air bender

So it happened on a Good Friday. It’s late evening and Migo was on the first episode of Avatar on dvd, that anime about an air bender and how he’s supposed to end war in the world. We were sharing a noodle soup, Migo and me and a small tumbler of Pepsi, leftover from the Pizza Hut lunch we had the day before.

Then Migo points at the TV antenna resting on top of the dvd player. The TV was right beside the dvd player.

He goes, “Short hand and long hand” referring to the V-shape the antenna formed.

Then he points at the clock directly above it. And goes, “Short hand and long hand.” His dad and I look at the clock and finds the short hand at 10 and the long hand on 2.

This is what the scene looked like:

I’m not saying my boy’s a genius. But a 5-year old kid gotta have a great deal of meat inside his head to notice something like that and make a relation. What's it called in those IQ exams? Spatial ability? It could be the artist in him, it could be anything. But he aint an air bender. I wouldn’t want him to be one either.

And I am writing this down for the record. I'm one proud momma! 21 March 2008

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