Thursday, June 18, 2015

of dishonesty and bullies

The little girl the other day showed me a crumpled 500 peso bill with wrapped around a bottle of liniment. She said she found it inside her schoolbag. Of course, she knows it's not hers because I don't give her that amount of money for school.

So I told her the most logical thing to do. Give it back. Go see her school's principal and return it to her.

The next day, she got bullied by one of the boys in her class. She said she was walking from the front of the class towards her seat when this boy punched her in the stomach. She curled in pain and cried. When the teacher was told, the teacher's reaction was that the next time the boy punches her, his parents will be called to school.

When told of this, I was furious. But my Mom, (the Grandma) who was told first before me, was even more furious and decided that she will personally go to school and report this incident. It was fine with me since my work nowadays demands that I be at the office always.

Later in the evening, my Mom told me about how she lectured the Discipline Officer in school about bullying. It was a little funny because knowing my Mom, I'm sure they heard a handful of her wisdom. She'd made her mark on the school officials, I must say, esp that officer and the Principal.

The little girl later told me she returned the money and liniment bottle to the principal. The principal told her, "You're honest huh. Ang laking pera nito at ibinalik mo." Then she left.

Much later, the principal went to her class and asked for her and told her, "I forgot to tell you, very good for what you did."

Goodness is about character - integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat people. 
~ Dennis Prager

Friday, June 05, 2015

Liminal Space

This morning, I attended a worship service at the office which I initially thought was a first Friday mass. 

The pastor spoke about Liminal space and the Liminality of God.

Great, I thought. This is exactly where i am right now.  I couldn't help but post this on IG right after.

This past month of May has been a month of transition, decisions of going forward or staying behind, major life changes. 

I brought the little girl to voice lessons. She also went on a 2-day acting workshop which she immensely enjoyed more than the singing which took a few weeks.

I got a new seat / desk at work at the corner of the 2nd floor office. As if that's a major life change but then now it's more airy and spacious so I guess that will affect my work attitude and flow.

The boss asked me if I wanted to level up. He wanted me to take on the responsibility of being Division Head. The following day I talked to the VP for HR and told her I didn't wanna. I knew it was something I shouldn't do, being that, the dynamics of the company will only make me the fall guy. I am happily placed already where I am and doing good at it. So why spoil the broth. My VP told me the same.

I decided to transfer the kids to a new school. Practical reasons. Lower tuition fees, no school bus service, being that it's walking distance from our house. Shorter school hours too. More time to sleep in the morning and will get home early in the afternoon. They will still be tutored by my cousin and I have high hopes they will excel this year.

I finally bought that new car I've been pining over since last year. I will now be able to go anywhere I want with the kids, independent of anyone to drive for us.

I've contacted a prospective employer. We've planned a meeting to discuss things but so far nothing concrete yet. But he did say he's definitely considering me on his team. Which is something I am holding on to.

My sister-in-law who's been helping me and hubby has been having her own personal problems. She and her kids slept over one weekend this May. I want to be there for her emotionally but we don't get to talk often.

The start of June has been nothing but positive for me. I can say I'm contented and happy right now. Something happened with the hubby last weekend where he is right now and it got me worried for a while but I guess he can deal with it. I'm praying for him constantly. 

I'm looking forward to better days ahead.

It is not the strongest of the species that survive,
nor the most intelligent,
but the one most responsive to change.
~ Charles Darwin

A good read: