Tuesday, October 06, 2015

OOTD (Conversations)

This morning as I was getting ready for work, I put on an old top that I must've been wearing frequesntly over the past weeks. The little girl said to me to wear something else. That I should wear my other clothes at the back of the closet.
So I took it off and found this girl flowy off shoulder top that I probably used only twice since it was bought months ago. I wore it and showed the little girl. She approved then went to the closet to find a matching black bandage skirt. She let me wear it, stood back and said, "There."in approval.
I stood in front of the mirror and told her, "But I don't like wearing skirt in the office." to which she replied, "Yeah. It makes you look old."
So I took it off and wore my black distressed boyfriend jeans. When the little girl saw me again, she quipped, "That's fine. Cool pants. Nice top."in approval.
The little girl's fashion inclination is manifesting.

Monday, October 05, 2015

I'm Pregnant

Last night, I had the weirdest dream. I don't usually have vivid dreams. I always sleep deeply and if ever I do have dreams, usually, I forget what they're all about come morning. But this.
I was in the market and the vendor was holding my hand and looking at my palm and pointing at my moving pulse and she told me that I was pregnant. I was shocked. I knew I didn't want to have another child. But I knew too that having a new one is a blessing and that I cannot "not want" this one.
I woke up with the purpose of checking out the dream dictionary about what this might mean. As soon as I got to work this morning, I looked it up and found this.
So here I am, pondering about the possibilities. Few weeks ago, a friend/supplier and  I have discussed his plans of getting me as an industrial partner in a business he will be setting up next year. I've been actually looking and opening my doors to new opportunities but so far, nothing concrete has come up. I really hope this is a sign.