Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Woke up today to this.

A clean living room.

Not worrying about doing the laundry.
(Yes our kasambahay arrived last Sunday and officially started work yesterday.)
The slow steady breathing of my two sleeping kids.
New haircut and hair color from yesterday's me time.
Cooking 3-cheese fetuccini pasta and toasting garlic buttered baguettes for breakfast. (So who says it has to be eggs benedict all the time? Hehe)
Tuesday and it's a non-working holiday.

Thank you for blessing me in more ways than I know.

Reflect upon your present blessings --
of which every man has many --
not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.
~Charles Dickens 

Saturday, July 26, 2014

long weekend

Jump started my long weekend with these babies.

Green King fridate at Ramen Nagi.

Eggs Benedict which I made from scratch on Saturday morning.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


So I decided to name my pets.

Trivial but I'll share with you the stories behind their names.

Fave was the first to be baptized although he's my 6th adopted. When I posted this pic of them six on Instagram, my friend commented "Fave!" And that's it.

Being the 6th and starting with F, I decided to alphabeticize their names so I know who came first when eventually they become many.

So first is Aries.
The hubby's zodiac sign. He, being my first cactus before all of this. I say this, with the belief that cacti are plants that survive in the dessert, take time and patience to flower and their thorns can hurt but only to protect themselves. Enough said.

Second is Blow.
Just because.

Third is Chorizo or Choz for short.
Just look at him and you'll know why.

Fourth is Dizzy.
She grows in many different directions I'm thinking eventually I will have to break her and replant a part of her and make it her mini-me and call it Dizzielet.

Fifth is Elle.
Well, she's elegant and regal and sosyal so she deserves the name of a supermodel.

So there. My new companions in the little garden. ❤🌵🌱🌼

Monday, July 14, 2014

just another weekend

Hello Monday morning!

It was a productive weekend. By that I mean, I was able to finish 4 weeks worth of laundry including 3 bedsheets. I bought new curtains.

I bought two new cacti and a potted giant rose plant.

I didn't do my tryinghardchef stint this time, except for the mandatory buttered shrimp for the little girl. But I did buy a tom yum soup pack for next weekend's shrimp. For a change. 😊 I also bought Yummy, a recipe magazine so I'm sure to try out new food this week. I am excited about that.

Kids and I attended The Feast Valenzuela again yesterday (2nd time this month). So heartwarming. Kids think we should attend it every week. Which makes me really glad that they like worship.

We haven't gone to taekwondo training for 3 weeks. It feels sad not to be able to go and letting my kids' "athleticity" go to naught. But last night Mommy O called and said the coach wants the little big man in the national tournament on the 26th. That's two weeks away so we gotta work up our schedule to be able to train.

So I'm off to a brand new week. Wish me luck. Good vibes only. God's will, God's time.

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

little sick girl 😰

Last night, the little girl at dinner told me to bring her to the hospital. What I know she meant was to bring her to the doctor for check-up. This is so unlike her and I am a bit worried. No, actually, i'm very worried that I'm already imagining brain cancer. Forgive me for being OA but I'm coming from my friend Allie's experience where her 13 year old son passed out after just 3 days of fever and was never revived.

Backtracking, last Thursday night the little girl had fever and a headache. I gave her Tempra. When she awoke the next morning, she said her head still ached but I convinced her it was nothing and made her  go to school. By lunch time she had fever again and was sent home by the school clinic. I had to leave work early to get to her but she was fine when I got home and was already playing with her cousins.

Saturday she was ok. At least I think she was. On Sunday, we attended The Feast and she felt shivery and had headache again. 

Yesterday (Monday) at school she said she went to the school clinic again for an hour with slight fever. Which brings us back to last night.

Pediatric doctor, here we come. I'm hoping it's just fatigue over the last 3 weeks that she's been on whole day classes. Fingers crossing and then palms clasping in prayer now.

Saturday, July 05, 2014

Feeling foodie

Recently been doing a lot of stuff in our little kitchen. And I must say I've been enjoying the time I spend there. It's one of the blessings I consider that God has given me after the major changes in our little family. 

Just for the record, here are some of the stuff I've been busy with, serving my little big man and little girl these past weeks.

Hungarian sausage and scrambled eggs

The last 2 months, I also started the habit of going to the palengke every Saturday morning to buy food, fruits and... shrimp! Shrimp is the little girl's favorite and being the picky eater that she is, this is the only food she would eat with gusto. She would even help with the cooking.

Then there's my obsession with plating and instagramming my work. I search the internet for recipes that not only taste good, but look good as well. It feels good to prepare these for my kids. And I know they appreciate the effort, esp the little big man who even told me last week that I should stop working and just stay home and take care of them like this. Oh how I wish I could do that!

Tuna pesto pasta + Four seasons
Lemon infused water + Fruit loops + s'mores + 3-cheese & tomato pasta
Tuna & alfalfa rolls / sandwich

Salad composed of cucumber, lettuce, carrots, avocado and yes, alfalfa sprouts + vinegrette

Food for the body is not enough. 
There must be food for the soul.
~Dorothy Day