i guess i'm one of the few people who appreciates fast cab drivers. i like it when i'm on a cab that spotaneously whizzes by other cars along edsa. i like it when we criss-cross lanes and get ahead of all the other vehicles, be it a commuter bus, an all-power SUV or a latest model high-end car. it gives me an early morning high as i turn up the volume on my headphones and psyche myself up for another day at work. yes, i succumbed to cabbing again today.
anyway, when i thought about it now, the reason why i like it is because the hubby drives in a laid back manner, always letting other vehicles get ahead of us. he's not the type who would race with a fellow vehicle on the road. he is never in a hurry to get to where we're going. and i am so used to cars who whiz past ours.
well, so maybe i like the occasional rush but then again, i will always be comfortable with the hubby's driving. thank God he's a very cautious and defensive driver. our little family should always be safe.