Tuesday, November 08, 2005
caramel colored bubbles
Sunday, November 06, 2005
passed out
we were at the newly-opened sm valenzuela today. me, dad & kuya migo. i was supposed to visit my ob-gyne first for our monthly check-up but her clinic was closed so we went to the salon for my much-needed haircut (which turned out to be not what i wanted... but that is another story). kuya migo got a trim too. then afterwards, upon his prodding, we all went to sm.
once there, we checked out some christmas trees and decor and decided which to buy later when budget permits. then we went to the play area where kuya migo rode some kiddie rides. then i decided i was hungry so we went to kfc on the ground floor.
once there, i started to feel weird. i knew immediately i was going to faint. slowly, my vision was starting to fade into black and i told your dad i was gonna lose it any minute. i told him i was gonna faint. (i already know this coz this happened to me too when i was pregnant with your brother.) then i was gone.
the next thing i knew, i was being seated on a chair with daddy's arms around me, calmly calling me, "sweetheart, sweetheart..." then i could hear him saying "buntis kase sya" probably to the passers-by. then slowly, i came back. migo was hugging my left leg softly saying, "mommy, mommy..."
later, i asked dad how it went. he said, like i told him, i slowly fainted and slumped on his arms. my eyes rolled heavenward. migo asked him innocently, "daddy, patay na ba si mommy?" to which he replied, "no, anak, hinimatay lang sya. behave ka para ok na si mommy." was funny coz he even kidded me that i looked like a joke--my facial expression and all.
anyway, i felt how much daddy & kuya loved me just by being there caring for me. it's the love that our family will be giving you too.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
very first letter to unborn baby
hang in there, kid. mum, dad and kuya are waiting for you, anticipating, with so much love.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
baby girl
i already imagine how different it would be to take care of a baby girl. hmmmm.....
Friday, September 16, 2005
everytime migo sees this tvc, he literally bounces up from whatever it is he's doing and hugs me to bits. it's such a sweet gesture that i look forward to seeing the commercial everytime we're watching tv. we hug each other all throughout the entire 30 or 45 seconds. we don't break apart until it is finished and the next ad comes out. once, we were inside the bedroom and then when he heard the jingle from the tv next door, migo still jumped up and hugged me and he made me carry him to the tv set. then one time, when he stayed over at my mom and dad's house, my mom told me that he was playing in front of the tv in the sala when the commercial came out. she saw him look up, hesitate, (probably thinking i wasn't around for him to hug) then jumped at her and hugged her instead. my mom was teary-eyed.
moments like these bond me and my son in double. i always make a mental snapshot of the moment and hope i could hug my little one forever. makes me almost afraid that he's going to grow up pretty soon and there will come a time he would be hugging some other girl. still, moments like these make me realize that no matter how hard it is to be a good parent, all the hardships are worth it if you have at least one hug-attack per day. and i wouldn't mind more than one.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
the number 2
it turned out that migo is 2nd in his nursery class. of course, cesar and i are very very proud. considering that he started school at 2½ years old and he's the youngest in his class. cesar and i agreed not to pressure him into being number one, but then again we would strive to help him achieve it if he can.
today too, i went on my first visit to my OB for check-up of my 2nd baby in my tummy. learned that i'm on my 9th week of pregnancy which means i just finished my 2nd month. my new OB is dra. clemencia lasam. love her coz she's so easy to talk to. we already talked about scheduling my CS operation because i told her i don't want to experience labor pains again. i had to tell her the trauma i went through in 33 hrs of labor when i gave birth to migo 3 years ago. she also suggested ligation if i didn't want to have another baby after this. later, when cesar and i talked about it, cesar didn't like the idea.
anyway, today was a "2" day. nothing to it.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
the first tri
the signs are here though. nausea at anytime of the day. food cravings. foul smells cause lurching in my stomach. very, very short temper. sleepynezzzzzzzzzz all day. and very, very lazy.
it's in the books. the first trimester is usually like this.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
and now... the announcement
2 lines.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
three & coming
Friday, July 29, 2005
russel / cecil / virra
i sent the following message through friendster to my best friend in the states. she's been living there since april last year. kinda miss her... it's been a while since we last spoke. and i don't even know her new email address!
28 july 2005
hey russel,
Monday, July 25, 2005
today, got ourselves our own phone line at home. so now can log on anytime i please. goodbye, naptime on weekends coz i'm gonna be hooked! and hello latenights coz i may sure be hooking up after work too. but i'm sure i'll be able to blog more often now. and finally be able to compile all my thoughts and get myself workin on a book. my dream project. my own book. a semi-story of my life.
soon, i hope.
Friday, July 22, 2005
happy anniversary
anyway, i wrote this just for the record. nothing really worth-remembering today.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
starting nursery
the week before he started, we bought his books (all 8 of 'em!! feels like he's in high school already!!) and he's started browsing through them. we also bought his school uniform. gosh, was he cute! and his supplies... tons of 'em. i can't believe i'm already sending my child to school! his schedule is from 10am to 1pm with classes in computer, english, filipino, math, science, sibika...
anyway, i'm hoping & praying that he'll enjoy schooling. i only want the best for him so i'll do my best to encourage him to do good.
Saturday, May 21, 2005
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
GETTING OLD... it choked down my throat. i am getting old?
for years, i've always thought i'd stay 20-something. this year, i turned 33 without knowing it. no wonder i don't celebrate my birthday anymore. cesar is 32. now there's a guy who's even more hung up on being young than i am. i can say that we're very child-like in our ways. maybe that's what makes us click. and migo seems like a little brother to both of us.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
mother's day reflection
anyways, i digressed.
we went to the 9am mass and met with my mom and dad. migo, cesar and i gave her a chocolate box and a card that goes "thanks for everything. what would we ever do without you? happy mother's day!" or something to that effect. then i made migo trace "mama, i love you! migo" i was sure i saw a tear in each of her eyes when we gave it to her and migo was hugging and kissing her in every which way. i'm glad we made her happy.
ironic though. towards the end of the day, cesar & i had a fight. i consider this one major coz until this morning he wasn't speaking to me. we normally make up immediately after a fight so this is something unusual. up to now i'm still not sure whether we're already ok or not. i'll find out later when i get home.
mothers... what will we ever do without them?
Thursday, May 05, 2005
hey big spender
they say plastic money is the future. you don't have to carry cash around lest you get held up and lose it all in a jiffy. truth is, for me at least, it's an advertising set up. i figured all they actually want is for us cardholders to spend more. more than we can afford.
such is what actually is happening to me. i'm way over my head in debt. at least i think i am. i do know though that more people are in deeper shit than i am, owing credit card companies more than a hundred thousand bucks, and that's just the interest! so i might be luckier and more in control of my spending than most. anyhow, my point is i am still spending more than i'm supposed to. i read somewhere that in order for a person to save money is to compute it this way: income minus savings equals money to spend on needs and if there's still some left, that's the money for wants. but usually, most people, myself included, compute it in reverse: income minus money to spend for needs and wants equals savings. that's the reason why there is usually zero savings because of the never-ending needs and wants that a person buys with his income.
what's my point? i'm trying to tell myself to stop overspending. i am making a sermon here for me to read and realize one thing: big spender must be big earner. SO FIND A BETTER-PAYING JOB, GIRL!
2322, 050405
Friday, April 22, 2005
I have always wanted to be a writer. Eversince Allie Cecilio (now Mrs. Vic Uy), my friend from High School introduced me to the fun of writing my thoughts down way back then, I’ve enjoyed it and have always wished I could someday publish my own book. Not the academic type of book but the journal type.
Recently, I came across the book of Susan Vidal, The Gospel According to My Kitchen Sink. It told of her life experiences as a mom, wife, daughter, career-woman and most expecially, a child of God. I’d like to write something like that. Something like Robert Fulghum. Something about me and my life.
I want to write about being foremost a mother to my 20-month old son. About being a “almost-3-year-old” wife. About being a 32-year old daughter. About being a 12-year old employee. About being a 32- 20- 16- 10- 6-… etc year old friend.
Everyday I have thoughts I’d really love to put on ink and paper but I never seem to get it done. Always busy being all those roles that I am. Maybe I really should take time out to do this. For myself. For 32-year old “me.”
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
school blues
cool huh. his dad and i are confident he'll make it coz he's a bright child. modesty aside. or maybe i'm like all the other parents who just think their kids are simply the greatest kid that ever walked this earth.
anyways, yesterday, his first day, there was this kid about 5 years old. (note: at least 2 years his senior) according to cesar's story of what he actually saw from the outside of the classroom, this 5y/o kid came over to where migo was sitting, quietly drawing with his crayons. 5y/o kid then tried to get one of migo's crayons and when migo probably told him not to, he picked a crayon and threw it away. migo didn't budge. then 5 y/o kid wasn't contented. he started pointing an imaginary gun at migo and wouldn't stop "bang-banging" him until he looked up. now what was migo supposed to do? here was a 5y/o kid irking him while he was minding his own business.
this is what he did. (this is how cesar saw it with his own eyes.) migo stood up and whacked the kid straight with his right fist. (guess that's for throwing the crayon...) so 5y/o kid went down. migo sort of dived after him and what cesar saw next was 5y/o boy crawling in all fours and migo on top of him. then, migo bit his lower back. guess that's for the "bang-banging."
what do you expect next? 5y/o kid crying, mom to the rescue. we're not sure if mom of 5y/o kid said anything to migo coz he started crying too and seemed afraid of the mom. so cesar went in and comforted little migo.
atta boy. daddy's proud of him... after all, he only went after that geezer when he wouldn't back off. he was forwarned by migo's silence. he insisted and so he got what he deserved.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
being away and all
being away and all that makes me oblivious to my parents' problems. i am saddened by this but then again i've my own set of family problems. which now i realize, are trivial compared to theirs.
i want to help my mom and dad. how, i don't exactly know. what i can only resolve to do is to not, as much as possible, ask for anymore financial help from them. if i can help it. hah! i know god will always provide. amen.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
no more what if, for now
so off i went today. got there a little past 10am. found the office quite easily. tucked along pioneer street in mandaluyong. small, cozy, quaint. as far as reception areas would go, that is. because that's as far as i got. the not-so-accomodating receptionist handed me an application form to fill up. unfortunately, my good old parker pen untimely lost ink and couldn't write a decent word. so i tried to borrow from not-so-accomodating receptionist which she reluctantly lent coz she was using it too. after filling up the form, i walked up to her and guess what she said?
we'll call you.
what? uh, ok. uhh.. can i get your office number so i can call back just in case?
GANON! and i had to painstakingly get dressed this morning and all that fuss! hmp. bah. at least i can say i didn't chicken out on something i know i can do.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
what if
i KNOW for a fact that i am no longer growing again in this company where i presently work. it's all the same everyday. my salary is ok, well, kinda. i wouldn't really know, i might be underpaid already considering my knowledge and exposure and all. or i may be over-confident. but i know what i know. and i know i can be more fulfilled elsewhere.
so why am i holding on? and now, i am left with what if i'd gone to that interview this morning?" i must've known the answer by now.
Thursday, April 07, 2005
pothole thoughts
i am dead tired of going to this same boring office everyday.
probable reasons why:
i don't know if it's because my new home is twice farther from the office that everyday i fall asleep on the road on my way to work. i must be tired with the travel. but hey, i used to work in taguig, remember? that's 2 hours away!! [so i figure, it's not coz of the travel]
i don't know if it's because i'm no longer making the designs at work. i still do product development but indirectly now. the 3 girls under me now do the dirty work which i used to do. i'm basically into product management now and keeping an eye on the 3 girls which i do really well coz we share the same feelings about work. i'm in touch with how they feel being the artist that i am, like them.
i don't know if it's because i'm having "memory gap." the girls are teasing me about it coz irene said that a major cause of memory gap is not taking breakfast. recently, i forget things i have to do. not just trivial things, right. major things. and that's not good in the eye of the boss. good thing, miss charming that i am, i usually get away with it easy. and boss and i are kinda cool with each other u know.
anyway, another reason why i think i'm in a rut is coz things are really getting too monotonous for me. my day-to-day activity has become b-o-r-i-n-g. and i'm really missing my son, migo all the time. i often wish i could be with him everyday. i realized this when just a few days ago, cesar told me that i am out of the house 12 hours a day. i vehemently disagreed with him but when i did compute myself, i realized he's close. i leave at 8am and usually get home past 7pm. yup he's close alright. tsk-tsk....
some conclusion... maybe i need to find a new job? something closer to home... or something not directly related to what i'm doing now....
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
The problem with weekends
Eversince we moved to our new home, our weekends are usually spent together – the 3 of us, Migo, Cesar and me. We would do household chores, eat out for breakfast, watch tv, go shopping/palengke, swimming, just plain have fun. My parents would often visit us Sunday night.
The problem with weekends though is that by Monday morning, I find it hard to shift back from mommy/wifee mode to work mode. It takes a while before I respond to the ding-dong-ing of my cellphone's alarm and get up to take my morning shower. Usually, the shower perks me up a bit but when Migo wakes up and starts whining for "Mommeeeee...dito ka tabi ko..." I get lazy again. When I am finally able to dress up, I'd have to drag myself down the 5 floors (15 steps per floor) of our condo building. The cold or heat of the morning affects me as well. If it's hot, I'm cranky. If it's cold, I'm super sleepy. And the almost 1 hour ride to work is just awful. Add the traffic and I am really gone.
The worse part is when I get to the office and I'm already dead tired.
Geez... can't wait till Friday.
Friday, March 04, 2005
by thu, it was migo who was coughing and had fever.
by fri, it was cesar's turn.
all i can say is, it's the start of being on our own.
Friday, February 25, 2005
the final move
we're just starting to have fun! ;)
Thursday, February 10, 2005
the notebook
we were actually planning on getting a pc when we moved to our dwelling. but 2 sundays ago, i borrowed my sister-in-laws laptop and had to have it repaired. then we chanced upon somebody wanting to sell his notebook. i didn't have the money but my brother insisted on getting it through our mom. it was him who actually wants it.
eventually, WE got it. i own it now and every night i make artworks and surf and have fun. cesar likes it too. he bought his own programs and all. and we're planning to get toddler cds too for migo.
that's all. just wanted to brag, i guess.... :)
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
the little one
today he woke in the latter manner. we started the day oggling at our brand new compaq presario which we bought with loaned money (courtesy of my mom & dad) yesterday. as i prepared to leave for work, he was having fun listening to some mp3s while enjoying the sight of his face as the wallpaper of the compaq.
when the time came that i have to leave for work, the tantrums came. he started crying and screaming his lungs out. tears were real. he wasn't just acting. he didn't want me to leave. "tama ato opi?" he requested. my heart broke. i wished i could. or at least, i could stay with him.
but it's the way it is. we both have to learn to accept that i have to go to work, he has to be left at home with his nanny. that is why i never fail to spend quality time with him whenever i could. weekends are usually spent with him and for him. his dad & i always makes sure of that.
Friday, January 14, 2005
hey, fever!
just now, cesar called me from home and said he isn't going to work coz migo is vomitting and fever went up again. i am thinking of going home.
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
the move
too bad.... :( i was really looking forward to the "event." i had prepared all the stuff already, good thing i haven't really packed yet. i've already conditioned my mind that by the new year, i will be coming home from the office to the new place.
anyways, i guess i've waited so long already, i can wait a little more.